New remote drinking water supplies

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We are upgrading the existing non-drinking water supplies to the remote towns Oodnadatta, Marla and Maree to drinking water quality.

The existing water networks in these towns are among 19 non-drinking water systems across the state, where water is currently only provided for irrigation, livestock, laundry, bathing and flushing toilets. Residents in these locations source their own drinking water through other methods such as capturing rainwater or arranging deliveries from commercial water carters.

Our plans will see new reverse osmosis desalination facilities installed in the three towns, to treat groundwater to a drinking standard.

While each new water treatment plant will receive raw water from the Great Artesian Basin, the source water quality at each location is different and each facility is being designed and built to reflect the location’s unique conditions.

Once completed, the three new facilities will join our existing network of nine reverse osmosis desalination plants across regional and remote South Australia that turn groundwater into a reliable supply of safe, clean drinking water for the local community.

We are upgrading the existing non-drinking water supplies to the remote towns Oodnadatta, Marla and Maree to drinking water quality.

The existing water networks in these towns are among 19 non-drinking water systems across the state, where water is currently only provided for irrigation, livestock, laundry, bathing and flushing toilets. Residents in these locations source their own drinking water through other methods such as capturing rainwater or arranging deliveries from commercial water carters.

Our plans will see new reverse osmosis desalination facilities installed in the three towns, to treat groundwater to a drinking standard.

While each new water treatment plant will receive raw water from the Great Artesian Basin, the source water quality at each location is different and each facility is being designed and built to reflect the location’s unique conditions.

Once completed, the three new facilities will join our existing network of nine reverse osmosis desalination plants across regional and remote South Australia that turn groundwater into a reliable supply of safe, clean drinking water for the local community.

  • A new drinking water supply for Oodnadatta

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    Work is underway to install a new 207 kilolitre per day groundwater reverse osmosis desalination plant.

    The plant will be located at Kurka Dr, Oodnadatta, which is close to the existing groundwater bores and water distribution network infrastructure.

    Crews are currently onsite completing civil works to prepare the land for the arrival of treatment facilities and treated water storage tanks. Offsite at our metropolitan depots, the treatment facilities are being assembled in their shipping container housing, which will protect them from the elements once installed on location.

    Crews will typically work Monday to Saturday between 7am and 7pm, with some night and Sunday work required at peak construction and commissioning times.

    Local community members have received training and are being employed to assist with Heritage Surveillance as crews undertake earthworks, to help minimise the risk of impact sites or artefacts.

    Construction work is expected to be underway until May 2023, when focus will move to commissioning the new water treatment facilities and connecting the new supply to homes.

  • A new drinking water supply for Marla

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    Planning is underway to install a new 87 kilolitre per day groundwater reverse osmosis desalination plant.

    The plant will be located at Plover Street, Marla, which is close to the existing groundwater bores and water distribution network infrastructure.

    Our environment and heritage teams are currently completing assessments to inform detailed design that avoids artifacts and areas of significance within the high-level pipe alignments and treatment plant site. Offsite at our metropolitan depots, the treatment facilities are being assembled in their shipping container housing, which will protect them from the elements once installed on location.

    Works have commenced and are expected to continue for around 10 months, when focus will move to commissioning the new water treatment facilities and connecting the new supply to homes.

  • A new drinking water supply for Marree

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    Planning is underway to install a new 126 kilolitre per day groundwater reverse osmosis desalination plant.

    The plant will be housed in a shipping container to be located at Fourth St, close to the existing groundwater bores, elevated water tanks, and other infrastructure.

    We expect to start bore drilling in February 2023 and then commence construction. Once construction has begun, we will bring in the containerised desalination plant and the focus will move to replace the existing water mains with new pipes and meters. We estimate to complete those works by December 2023.

Page last updated: 26 Feb 2025, 04:30 PM