What to expect when we upgrade your water main
We keep disruption to a minimum
We are committed to keeping disruption to a minimum and work with our contractors to do the same. However, you may experience:
• noise and dust from construction equipment and vehicles
• increased traffic in and around your local street
• restricted access to properties while digging trenches and laying new pipes
• temporary parking restrictions
• excavation work on roads and footpaths
• temporary interruption to your water supply.
To ensure safety, we will also manage traffic and walkways around the work site. The excavated trench will be backfilled at the conclusion of each day to ensure safety and to minimise disruptions to traffic or property access.
The excavated trench will be backfilled at the conclusion of each day to ensure safety and to minimise disruptions to traffic or property access.
Working hours
Most work will be undertaken between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday. In high traffic areas or at locations where water supply is critical, work may happen at night or on the weekend. Advance notice of construction timeframes will always be provided, unless there are unplanned technical constraints.
Laying pipes
Most pipes are made of PVC and laid in 6 to 9 metre segments to accommodate easy transportation. Pipe trenches are dug around 1.2m deep, but may be deeper due to the terrain, to accommodate larger pipes or to avoid underground services such as telecommunications.
Interruptions to your water supply
Temporary interruptions to your water supply will be required as we transfer connections from the old main to the new main. These are usually scheduled during the middle of the day when demand for water is at its lowest. Overnight outages may occur in areas where day works are not practical, for example in school zones.
You will receive a minimum of four days’ notice before your water service is temporarily interrupted, to enable you to prepare.
Finalising the work
Once the pipes are laid, roads and landscaping are reinstated to the original condition as close as practical. Road reinstatement will occur soon after completion of the works, but opened to traffic as soon as possible after the work is finished.

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