Planning for 2024 - 2028

Every four years, feedback from our customers helps inform our investment proposal submitted to our independent regulatory, the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).

In August 2023, we submitted our Regulatory Business Plan for the 2024-28 regulatory period.

Our plan was developed with significant input from customers and the community, and balances affordability with delivering the services our customers value and expect.

Our proposed investment for 2024-28 focuses on maintaining services to current customers and meeting our legislated responsibilities, with some support for growth projects and investigations of new water sources to ensure a secure and resilient water future.

See the timeline on the right-hand side of this page for next steps in this regulatory process and visit ESCOSA’s website for details about their review, determination and consultation.

A summary of our plan is linked above on the right-hand side of this page. The full plan is available on our website.

Involving our customers

A comprehensive research and engagement program ensured customers provided input throughout the planning and development of our plan. Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback.

A summary is provided below and you can read more detail in the ‘What we heard’ report and other documents available on the right-hand side of this page.

Every four years, feedback from our customers helps inform our investment proposal submitted to our independent regulatory, the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).

In August 2023, we submitted our Regulatory Business Plan for the 2024-28 regulatory period.

Our plan was developed with significant input from customers and the community, and balances affordability with delivering the services our customers value and expect.

Our proposed investment for 2024-28 focuses on maintaining services to current customers and meeting our legislated responsibilities, with some support for growth projects and investigations of new water sources to ensure a secure and resilient water future.

See the timeline on the right-hand side of this page for next steps in this regulatory process and visit ESCOSA’s website for details about their review, determination and consultation.

A summary of our plan is linked above on the right-hand side of this page. The full plan is available on our website.

Involving our customers

A comprehensive research and engagement program ensured customers provided input throughout the planning and development of our plan. Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback.

A summary is provided below and you can read more detail in the ‘What we heard’ report and other documents available on the right-hand side of this page.

Page last updated: 12 Jul 2024, 02:10 PM