Moana Growth (Tatachilla Road)
SA Water together with McConnell Diona Joint Venture (MDJV) are installing a new water main to support growth in the Moana area.
What we are doing and when
The project involves installing 4.2 kilometres of new water main pipework along Tatachilla Road (from California Road to Main South Road), Maslin Beach Road and the southern section of Commercial Road.
Works will begin with Tatachilla Road from Monday 3 February 2025. Works on Tatachilla Road are mostly dayworks and are expected to take approximately 7 weeks (till late March 2025). To minimise daytime impact to some high traffic locations and local businesses (including a school), a few shifts of nightworks will be required.
As previously communicated, while timeframes are indicative of our project timeline, times and dates may change depending on weather conditions and any technical constraints our teams may encounter.
How will this affect you?
Works will be completed in stages with sectional road closures and detours required (noting strict local access only in some locations). To minimise these impacts, traffic management (including traffic controllers) and advance notification to road users will be in place.
These works require the use of noise generating machinery, hence construction activities may result in some noise and disruption impacts to nearby residents and businesses. Though construction noise cannot be avoided, where possible MDJV will make every reasonable and practicable effort to minimise noise and disruption resulting from these works.
We will notify you in advance should any of these works require a planned and temporary disruption to your water supply, though this is not anticipated for these works.
Please see the maps over the page which show the locations of the works along Tatachilla Road as well as the first detour maps for works up to Bayliss Road.
if you have any questions about these works, please call 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283) or email
Map 1 -
Time: Nightworks 7pm to 6am
Map 2-
Time: Primarily dayworks from 7am – 5pm on weekdays
Map 3-
Time: Primary dayworks from 7am - 5pm weekdays